2 How do I get started?Ah, yes. Road, meet rubber. Rubber, meet road. Tonto2 is a Python script. Most Linux distributions include some flavor of Python3 nowadays. Windows users can search for the Python app in the Microsoft Store and install the most recent version from there; otherwise, see instructions detailed in "Python Setup and Usage (Python Software Foundation)." Tonto2 assumes that Python3.7+ is present. Open the command prompt and try:
... which should get you a response like this: Python 3.9.2 2.1 How do I install Tonto2?I used to recommend installing Tonto2 in a virtual environment. However, with recent changes to Linux distributions such as Debian 12 "Bookworm," I find that this is required. I think this is an excellent idea for Windows Users, too. What's sauce for the goose.... 2.1.1 WindowsTonto2 will throw UnicodeEncodeDecode errors unless Unicode support is enabled. Try this:
For viewing comfort, please be sure ClearType is enabled on Windows systems. Then you may proceed with Tonto2 installation.
2.1.2 Linux
2.2 How do I run Tonto2?Activating the virtual environment covers a multitude of sins, including not placing the installed scripts on the execution path where they may be run under simple names. If you don't do this, you have to poke through the site-packages to find the scripts that were installed and invoke them with the correct Python interpreter — implicitly or explicitly. Tonto2 takes no run-time parameters. On Windows:
On Linux:
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